About Wansford Research
We have a responsive, innovative and flexible approach to trials and have earned an impressive reputation both locally and nationally which is sought after by sponsors, contributing to the NHS England strategy of embedding clinical research at the heart of patient care across the NHS.
We were RCGP Research Practice of the year, 2019 and in 2024, our newest recruit, Dr Sophie Reiter received RCGP, First5 GP of the Year.
The Research Department was formed in December 2017 as part of Wansford Health Surgery/Campus. In June 2023 this work was brought under the umbrella of an organisation called Wansford Research Limited.
During this time, the organisation has developed expertise in specific areas such as infectious disease, respiratory disease (such as Covid 19, RSV, and Flu) where vaccines are the interventional product; Cardiovascular trials – including lipid lowering agents, hypertension and heart failure. Other disease areas include, dermatology, UTI and chronic illnesses such as COPD, Diabetes. Non-interventional studies include a bowel cancer screening study, a study screening for Atrial Fibrillation, deprescribing in elderly hypertensives.
Our concept is that delivering research in primary care should become ‘business as usual’.
Within the wider community, a research cluster has been developed with Wansford Research as the Hub Site and three inner-city surgeries, Boroughbury, Thistlemoor and Fletton in Peterborough, giving access to over 70,000 patients. This has broadened the cultural and socioeconomic diversity in potential study populations, with inner-city practices serving over 100 languages.
Wansford Surgery is the lead site within the cluster and is able to recruit from these culturally diverse practices under a Service Level Agreement. Furthermore, we are developing methodology for sharing research staff across sites and supporting the development of new research workforce at peripheral sites.
Wansford Research,
Old Hill Farm, Yarwell Road,
Clinical System : System One
Wansford Research Unit sits within Wansford Healthcare Campus, which also incorporates a GP Practice.
Linked to 3 further Central Peterborough Practices within a cluster, Thistlemoor Practice Central Practice and Boroughbury PCN)
Research Experience
Specialist Interests:
Cardiovascular, Metabolic – Diabetes and Lipid Lowering, Vaccine Studies
Research active years: 20+
- A wealth of experience in Observational and Non-observational Research, Academic and Commercial Studies.
- Links to diverse Central Peterborough Populations
- Links to Wansford Surgery – established Training Practice.
- 8 GCP Trained Staff
Our Studies
We have successfully executed a number of studies across a broad range of sectors.
- MILOS (Current)
- NOVARTIS Victorion 1 - Prevent (Current)
- Moderna NOVA 301 (Current)
- Moderna Fluent (Current)
- Elsa (Current)
- Optimise 2 (Current)
- GSK RSV - 012 (Current)
- Novavax
- GSK RSV - 006
- Moderna
- Optimise
- Lighthouse
- Panoramic